All articles by Thomas Parker

Thomas Parker

Face mask regulations explained: Comparing surgical and respirator masks

On 24 July 2020, England became the fifth nation to make it  compulsory for people to wear face coverings in…

Can thermal imaging cameras limit Covid-19 spread as lockdown restrictions ease?

As countries begin to ease Covid-19 lockdowns, businesses are looking for ways to keep staff and customers safe from the…

Thermal imaging will be used in post-Covid-19 fever screening, says industry expert

Societal changes caused by Covid-19 will see the use of thermal imaging continue after the pandemic subsides, according to an…

British Plastics Federation launches PPE suppliers list to help Covid-19 response

The British Plastics Federation (BPF) has launched an online portal to help organisations across the UK locate personal protective equipment…

Hand sanitiser, Covid-19 and the future market: Will the product become part of everyday life?

Covid-19 has created a desperate need for many products — key among them is hand sanitiser, a market where huge…

Is blockchain the solution as Covid-19 highlights medical device supply chain flaws?

The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed flaws in the current state of global supply chains, with this being no different in…

Seven technological innovations coming forward to tackle Covid-19

From digital stethoscopes to an AI-driven virus tracking system, a raft of new innovations have come to the fore as…

UK government pulling support for ventilator projects signals global demand is declining, says analyst

Despite a national effort to plug a shortage of ventilators, the UK government has now begun cancelling projects – suggesting…

Meet the companies manufacturing face masks to plug coronavirus shortages

Whether it’s the breakdown of global supply chains or a lack of manufacturing capacity, supplies of medical face masks are…

How to build a ventilator: Alarm systems and disposable materials

The Covid-19 pandemic has put the medical device industry under intense pressure to supply huge amounts of equipment, with the…