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Stretchable electronics extending boundaries of diagnostics, surgery and disease management

Able to be compressed, twisted and conformed to uneven surfaces without losing functionality, stretchable electronics have captured the imagination of…

How novel coating techniques from lasers to microblasting treatment are helping medical devices function properly for longer

There has been an enormous growth in the application of medical device coatings over the past few years and now…

Tackling the challenge of counterfeit medical devices across global healthcare settings

Medical device fraud is a relatively well-kept secret in the healthcare industry. While the pharmaceutical industry has accepted the dangers…

Microfluidics technology’s growing importance in healthcare and the search for fast-acting Covid-19 test kits

With the Covid-19 pandemic highlighting the need for fast affordable test kits, Dr Thomas Roland Dietrich, Ivam’s CEO, outlines why…

From mind to market – the complex design and manufacturing process behind wearable medical devices

Wearable medical devices have liberated patients across the world, allowing users to manage many conditions without the need for many…

Is cost-saving and sustainablility putting patients at risk through reprocessed single-use medical devices

Many hospitals now use reprocessed medical devices that have been labelled as single-use. But do the cost savings and waste…

Lumis: Supporting effective vendor management and oversight for clinical investigations

With the implementation of the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR 2017/745/EU) now delayed by Covid-19 until May 2021, the planning…

EU MDR: Delayed by Covid-19 but what will it mean for the medical device industry?

Founded in 1944, NSF International’s mission is to protect and improve global human health. Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to…

How the Covid-19 pandemic could boost the benefits and cut the costs of microfluidics

With a Covid-19 vaccine and treatments many months away, medical consensus accepts widescale testing and efficient isolation is currently the…

How barcode data can help NHS track medical device inventory as coronavirus crisis highlights benefit of increased oversight

With the coronavirus crisis consuming available healthcare resources and prompting a call for multiple industries to join the challenge to…