All articles by Anjuman Rahman

Anjuman Rahman

Five smart utensils to improve safety for seniors with Parkinson’s in the kitchen

Hand tremors or weakness suffered by seniors with Parkinson’s disease can affect many aspects of their daily life, with daily…

Six start-ups pioneering in the technology for social good space

From 3D-printed braces for disabled children to AI-powered walking canes revolutionising mobility for the visually impaired, technology is being used…

Profiling the top five AI medtech start-ups based in Germany

When it comes to innovations that will help people understand their bodies and live happier, healthier and longer lives, AI-driven…

Type 2 diabetes treatment hopes through protein linked to lower blood sugar levels

Scientists from Trinity College School of Medicine in Dublin have identified a protein in obese patients diagnosed with type 2…

BioBeats CEO David Plans on AI app helping to tackle mental health crises in the workplace

Individual stress management and global mental health issues could all be managed with the help of an AI-powered app fed…

How a smartphone app can take over the management of chronic back pain

The World Health Organization has named musculoskeletal disorders as the second-largest contributor to disability worldwide, but getting suitable treatment for…

Phone and airport security scanner tech could diagnose skin cancer

A non-invasive method to distinguish between skin cancer and benign lesions using smartphone and airport scanner tech has been developed…

ReLive: A Kazakhstan-based start-up helping to speed up recovery for stroke victims

After acknowledging the huge increase in AI and data analysis, Beibit Abdikenov began his studies at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan,…

Phyjama: Smart sleepwear that can monitor heart rate and breathing during sleep

Smart pyjamas with built-in sensors to measure heart rate, respiratory rhythm and sleep posture have been developed by researchers at… app makes detecting chronic kidney disease ‘as simple as taking a selfie’

Designed for easy and highly accurate test results when diagnosing chronic kidney disease, says using its smartphone-based app to…