Using Varian ARIA, clinicians will be able to send new prescriptions directly to a computer at a participating pharmacy. Pharmacy personnel will be able to send renew authorization requests directly to the clinic electronically, where prescribers can review the requests and respond with a few keystrokes.

Varian will provide an incremental upgrade to current ARIA customers with software service agreements, including the interface for connecting with pharmacies through Surescripts. All future ARIA systems for medical oncology will incorporate the interface.

The ARIA oncology information system is a software solution that supports the oncology clinic. It combines an oncology-specific patient electronic medical record (EMR) with functional components for managing clinical, administrative and financial operations.

Ken Hotz, product manager for oncology information systems at Varian, said: “E-Prescribing allows the clinician to create a prescription and route it electronically to any pharmacy that the patient wants to use in the extensive Surescripts network. With certification to connect to the Surescripts network, ARIA can now offer medical oncologists an e-prescribing process with the potential to reduce costs and improve practice efficiency and patient convenience.”