The BenchMark ULTRA PLUS system has new intuitive software, remote monitoring features, and an integrated touchscreen for a more optimised user experience


The administration and R&D buildings (buildings 1 and 4), Roche Diagnostics Ltd, Rotkreuz. (Credit: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd)

Swiss multinational healthcare company Roche has launched a new advanced tissue staining platform for cancer diagnostics, dubbed BenchMark ULTRA PLUS system.

The platform enables quick and accurate test results, allowing clinicians to make timely decisions regarding a patient’s care journey.

According to the firm, biochemical markers found inside the cells can be used to identify cancer and other aberrant cells.

A healthcare expert may find these markers to detect the existence or absence of important drivers that feed the sick cells by applying chemical solutions to tissue on glass slides using the BenchMark ULTRA PLUS, said Roche.

The system is part of the BenchMark series, which automates tasks that were previously done manually, one slide at a time, revolutionising cancer diagnosis.

Lab staff will be able to handle their tasks more effectively due to the software that is optimised for efficiency and quality control.

It can help fasten the delivery of test results for patients who are waiting for a diagnosis.

The BenchMark ULTRA PLUS system has new intuitive software, remote monitoring features, an integrated touchscreen for a more optimised user experience, and a sustainable waste system and product packaging.

It also has new indicator lights, a retractable work surface, and new slide drawers to mitigate fluid ingress/egress.

Roche Diagnostics CEO Thomas Schinecker said: “With the BenchMark ULTRA PLUS, we are pleased to offer an advanced tissue staining platform, co-developed with lab professionals.

“Waiting for a diagnosis is often one of the most stressful times for patients. This system enables pathologists to provide quick and accurate results that help inform patient treatment options.”

The company said the system will be rolled out globally in 2023 after becoming available to nations in the European Union in July 2022 and the US and the Asia-Pacific region in September 2022.

Earlier this month, Roche announced the rollout of a new human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling solution across countries that accept the CE mark.