The BD FACSVerse Flow Cytometer is available in 4-color, 6-color and 8-color configurations with forward-scatter and side-scatter support for up to 10 total parameters.

BD Biosciences said the FACSVerse Flow Cytometer has built-in intelligence that is intended to reduce errors, increase efficiency, automate processes and minimize user interaction.

With the new BD FACSuite Software System for the BD FACSVerse Flow Cytometer, users can now automate routine tasks, such as instrument startup, setup, sample acquisition, and data analysis, and complete others with minimal clicks.

The software package’s modular architecture enables users to multitask, performing data analysis while the system is acquiring data.

The system provides optional predefined BD research assays for apoptosis, cell cycle, cell proliferation, and cytokine detection, which are matched with BD reagent kits for reproducible results.

Researchers can convert their experiments to reusable assays that include relevant settings, acquisition and analysis worksheets, and gating strategies.