US-based drug-delivery devices company Altaviz has unveiled a new auto-injector platform, dubbed AltaVISC, for the delivery of high-viscosity and high-volume biologics.

While most of the delivery devices still use springs as a power source, AltaVISC leverages an advanced mechanism, the compressed gas cylinders known as Pico-Cylinders.

The Auto-injector Platform harnesses the power of Pico-Cylinders, developed by Altaviz’s affiliate Picocyl, to power the delivery of both high-volume and high-viscosity therapies.

AltaVISC provides an impact-free delivery, improving patient experience, and tunability through gas pressure, and creates an environmentally conscious and sustainable impact, said Altaviz.

The auto-injector platform also provides enhanced flexibility in the product development and manufacturing process.

It can be tuned to deliver any drug formulation, including high-viscosity biologics and shear-sensitive molecules, and offers a wide range of pressures without a form factor change.

Also, the platform can provide controls across human and environmental factors alike such as temperature and gas composition, said the drug delivery devices company.

Established in 2012, Altaviz is focused on designing and manufacturing products that improve patient safety and help medical practitioners improve their practices.

Currently, the company serves startups to large-scale medical device and pharma companies, helping them produce enhanced medical devices.

Altaviz co-CEO Jack Auld said: “A viable, patient-centric solution for the delivery of next-gen therapies has been, not just elusive, but non-existent until now. The Altaviz team is incredibly proud of AltaVISC and the difference it will provide to patients, manufacturers, pharma companies and the environment.”

“With pharmaceutical companies heading towards large-molecule, protein-based treatments while taking more large-volume therapies from the clinic into the home, we knew that we had to create a platform that combines the capacity to deliver the most demanding applications with the ease to dial back to any application.

“Ultimately, patients will be the benefactors, as the highest technology therapies can now be self-administered in the most patient-friendly manner possible. We want to improve their lives for the better.”