When proper considerations like material selection, part design, and laser process are taken at the first stages of the project, it is possible to predict positive and consistent welding results. Sometimes, this step is overlooked by the people involved in design and engineering, resulting in costly consequences.

ProByLas AG supports the customer from concept throughout full-scale manufacturing and life cycle of their products. Our specialists are always ready to review the application requirements and offer the best recommendation to the customer. From material testing, join design recommendation, and welding trials to prototyping and testing assistance of the first parts. In-house, we also perform repair and upgrade services to all our Modula and Turnkey product series.

Furthermore, suppose the customer is dealing with welding inconsistencies in production. In that case, we can also provide the necessary assistance to upgrade to laser technology and demonstrate the return on the investment soon.

For customers who already have ProByLas laser welding technology in their production floors, we offer preventive maintenance to their systems, process troubleshooting, and training tailored to their application and project needs. We can also support them with commissioning and setup services onsite if they just got a new machine. In many cases, the welding process and systems can be troubleshot remotely. Thanks to the Ethernet connectivity of the Modula and Turnkey product series, remote support can significantly reduce costs and machine downtime.

In the hope of contributing to every welding application’s success, we strive to promote a positive synergy between our customers, employees, and suppliers. Therefore, we welcome the opportunity to partner with research institutes, machine integrators, molders, extruders, resin suppliers, and resin compounders to develop successful applications.