By questioning, observing and listening, the auditor checks how the company is developing and whether guidelines are being adhered to: audits are indispensable for maintaining standards. However, they are more than just a necessary evil, because if they are professionally managed and analyzed, they offer a multitude of possibilities for process optimization in the company.

Its highly flexible structure makes QAM.Net the ideal program for conducting effective audit management. Based on freely definable questionnaires, the software allows you to model any process, product specification, or system detail of your company or area of responsibility.

Audit planning with QAM.Net allows you to use a system that was crafted with industry-specific requirements in mind. Thanks to the close collaboration with auditors, certifiers, standardization committees, and our highly experienced users throughout the development of QAM.Net, we were able to create a solution that is amongst the industry’s reference tools for auditing and certifying.

When planning your audits in QAM.Net, you can either create your questionnaires individually for the respective purpose or you can use a variety of ready-made catalogues. These are strictly based on the applicable standards and can be easily imported into the system and used immediately. With regard to the future processing or answering of the audit questions, you can use your own schemes to which you assign the questions from the catalogue, or you can determine an allocation or answering of the questions at random. Because the precise analysis and subsequent evaluation of all audit-related data is the key to being able to learn from your audits, QAM.Net provides a variety of different audit evaluation methods that form the basis for detailed and meaningful reporting. With QAM.Net you can use an instrument for your audit management that is unrivalled in terms of flexibility, compliance with standards, and sheer evaluation power.

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