Process.Net is a software that allows you to define, plan, document, and publish all processes within your company in a standard-compliant manner. Whether the mapping of company processes, procedural instructions, responsibilities, or organization charts: with Process.Net you have a powerful software for process visualization and workflow management at your disposal, with which you can create a clear, understandable and logically structured documentation for your company.

The ISO 13485 standard requires that responsibilities and workflows are recorded in writing in shape of expressive process descriptions. How well these process descriptions are thought through and designed can, amongst other aspects, be the factor that decides whether certification is successful or not. This is not surprising, as whether organizing company structures, depicting responsibilities, or communicating interdepartmental SOPs – processes are the centrepiece of corporate leadership and the key to successful company management and product development.

The software Process.Net not only supports users during the visualization of processes via e.g. the Turtle Diagram, but also facilitates the creation and management of processes via flowcharts or, for example, ISO 13485-compliant forms. Each process can be started as a workflow and subsequently run in shape of individual milestone-related to-dos and queries where jumps back, loops, and the integration of sub-processes are possible. The individual actions and to-dos are tracked per employee via individual dashboards and a comprehensive escalation management. Visualizations in the software ensure that the entire deadline situation and the processes of a workflow along with all sub-steps remain in focus.

Process.Net provides employees with 24/7 access to relevant company knowledge which they can internalize via self-study and check their level of knowledge via a web-based interface. All of this serves as basis for creating a dynamic and continuous improvement process which benefits everyone from the individual employee to the overall company.

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