As a software user you sometimes come to the point where you think: wouldn’t it be nice? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could make this field a mandatory field? Hide this field and rename that one? Insert an additional button right here that opens an external program or calls up a website? Customize this form precisely to meet the needs of a particular customer?

CAQ.Net® is a software solution that gives you exactly the freedom you need to perfectly match it to your individual work processes. You do not need additional services or programming knowledge to customize the software or documents visually or in content: you simply implement your customizing requirements in the software by yourself. Because CAQ.Net® is not just any software – CAQ.Net® is your software.

As You Like It

The customizing options in the CAQ.Net® software are designed to be as flexible and extensive as possible. You can, for example, hide fields, change field descriptions, prefill fields, colour fields, or determine whether a field is to be treated as a required field or should be displayed as read-only. You can also place freely defined buttons on masks, which execute freely definable actions or evaluations in the software after being pushed (e.g.: control SAP RFCs, trigger import/export jobs, or perform enquiries in the knowledge base). All of the above settings can also be specified per user group or for individual users. After installing a new version, the settings remain available and fully functional without requiring any further adjustments.

In CAQ.Net® you can also customize all print documents and e-mails according to your needs. This allows you to design the visual output format and content of documents exactly as you need it for your daily work processes or your respective customer.

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