The XynQAPI application was officially unveiled at the 3rd Annual Transplant Quality Institute (TQI) meeting in Denver. The easy-to-use, web-based tool simplifies and expedites regulatory reporting processes (F-QPI and UNOS/SRTR), as well as automates and analyzes quality and outcomes data in real-time.

“We’re offering transplant program administrators and managers the tools needed for simplified, single-source, quality data collection, analysis and reporting,” said Mark Schnitzler, Ph.D., a XynManagement Co-founder and nationally recognized expert in the use of advanced statistical techniques to study transplant care. “The result is less time spent on data collection and more time spent on quality improvement, leading to better outcomes with greater volume.”

Organ transplant programs must engage in extensive collection, analysis and reporting of information. Schnitzler explained that transplant centers generally do well collecting data, but stumble when it comes to organizing, displaying and actually using it to drive improvements and meet regulatory and program specific reporting (PSR) requirements.

Compliance problems and failure to meet minimum conditions of participation (COP) set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) can result in serious consequences, including loss of Medicare reimbursement for transplant services or termination of the transplant program.

“Most quality managers are under-equipped, using older programs and tools, including paper binders, spread sheets for data analysis, word processing for agenda and minutes, and PowerPoint for presentations,” said Schnitzler.

As a single-source transplant quality management tool, XynQAPI gives transplant administrators actionable insights to meaningfully interact with data and improve their quality programs.

Unlike current manual data methods, XynQAPI is the only system available to expedite and automate successful end-to-end CMS F-QAPI reviews and real-time transplant center quality data management. It is also the only real-time quality data visualization and decision making tool.