MX-ICP is a high sensitivity DNA amplification technology, which enables to detect mutations in multiple genes from either tumors or any liquid sample, such as blood or urine.

The first commercial license follows a 2014 research agreement between the firm and university for the conduct of clinical validation studies of the MX-ICP technology.

As part of the deal, Melbourne University secures an exclusive license in Australia to Transgenomic’s new EGFR liquid biopsy cancer assays.

The four licensed tests are capable of detecting specific actionable mutations associated with sensitivity or resistance to targeted drugs used for colorectal and non-small cell lung cancer in many sample types but mainly in blood/plasma.

Transgenomic president and CEO Paul Kinnon said: "The University of Melbourne and Prof. Waring are recognized leaders in molecular pathology and cancer genomics, so we are especially pleased to award this first commercial MX-ICP license to them for use in Australia."

Through Melbourne University’s National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) certified laboratory, the assays are available for researchers and diagnostic use.

The firm will secure royalties through selling EGFR kits to the university. It will also partner with Melbourne University to offer biomarker identification services to biopharmaceutical firms.

In June, Transgenomic introduced the new Multiplexed Ice Cold PCR (MX ICP) CLIA service for mutation detection in cancer patients, which will help in more informed diagnoses, better treatment decisions and ongoing patient monitoring.