The reusable PHD line is designed for the shipment of biological materials, which must be maintained at 2-8 degrees Celsius and or controlled room temperature (CRT).

The PHD line is designed for small volume shipments from a single dose to 3l. Utilizing patent pending antifreeze technology, the PHD reduces the risk of freezing 2-8 degrees Celsius shipments while the nanoporous insulation allows for extended shipping periods, giving greater product safety assurance in remote or extremely hot areas.

SAVSU Technologies president and developer of the PHD container Bruce McCormick said that the company is very pleased to see the PHD container approved by the World Health Organization’s Performance, Quality and Safety process (PQS).

"This certification will allow our product to be accessed by organizations world wide that depend on these qualifications to safely transport vaccines to those in need.

"The PHD is a long-range vaccine carrier designed for real world applications. It’s rugged, reusable, simple to use and extremely high performance design allows for the practical expansion of immunization programs while also helping reduce the overall cost of delivery," McCormick added.

The PHD is only one of the innovative products SAVSU has developed. In April 2014 at the 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cellular Therapy in Paris, France, SAVSU launched the EVO controlled temperature container as part of an exclusive joint marketing venture with BioLife Solutions, the leading developer and supplier of biopreservation tools to the regenerative medicine, biobanking, and pharmaceutical industries.

The EVO will be available exclusively through the biologistex service, from BioLife Solutions.