FoundationOne Liquid can identify circulating tumour DNA in the blood of people living with cancer and can identify 70 of the most commonly mutated genes in solid tumours, including microsatellite instability, a genomic signature which may help inform cancer immunotherapy based treatment decisions.

From a single blood sample, the liquid biopsy offers a quick and convenient option for some patients with solid tumours.

FoundationOne Liquid meets a compelling need for comprehensive genomic profiling for people who have insufficient or inadequate tissue, including those with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, where an estimated 15% of patients are not eligible for tissue biopsy and approximately 10% have a biopsy size that is insufficient to evaluate.

FoundationOne Liquid complements FoundationOne CDx, a tissue-based genomic profiling test launched in the US earlier this year, to deliver a portfolio of comprehensive genomic profiling services for healthcare professionals.

Roche chief medical officer and global product development head Dr Sandra Horning said: “Cancer is a disease of the genome and genomic profiling of every patient’s tumour at the start of their treatment journey will provide transformative outcomes for patients.

“At Roche, we believe the use of innovative profiling technologies like FoundationOne Liquid and FoundationOne CDx will improve access to targeted cancer treatments for patients and enrich the future development of targeted medicines.”


Source: Company Press Release