Merge iConnect is an integrated software suite that facilitates the sharing of diagnostic content and results across the continuum of care.
Resurgens will add iConnect Access for zero client viewing to provide service to referring physicians, iConnect Share for automated image transfer from referral facilities without requiring CD’s, and iConnect VNA to store and move images from multiple data sources.
In addition, Resurgens will add Merge’s orthopaedic surgical planning software to their existing Merge OrthoPACS solution.
Resurgens co-president Steven Wertheim by combining Merge’s powerful image management backbone, the specialty viewing applications needed in orthopaedics, and the ability to integrate into their EHR, they anticipate a significant time savings for their surgeons, referring physicians and clinicians throughout the care process.
Resurgens CIO Bradley Dick said in addition to the immediate benefits to patient care, the Merge iConnect platform will help position their practice for the complex imaging requirements coming at us with regard to Meaningful Use and Accountable Care payment models.