RepRegen said that the three-month data demonstrated that the bone in the defect was significantly stiffer 68% in the StronBone defect than in the control defect and the bone in the defect was significantly denser 41% in the StronBone defect than in the control defect.
The in vivo and analytical study was conducted at the Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science at University College London (UCL) by principal investigator Allen Goodship, professor of Orthopaedic Sciences and director of the Institute, who will be submitting the data for publication.
Ian Brown, CEO of RepRegen, said: “The results of this study underscore why we believe our platform has the potential to dramatically enhance the repair and regeneration of hard tissue, such as bone. These results also fortify our plans to begin commercialization of the first product from our hard tissue platform in 2010.”
Stephen Rietiker, chairman of RepRegen, said: “The worldwide market for the orthopaedic biomaterials sector is expected to soar to $8.8 billion by 2012. But of keen interest to RepRegen is not only that this sector is enormous and growing rapidly but also that it is extremely fragmented. Consequently, we expect that RepRegen will have numerous sales and out-licensing opportunities.”