CVD costs the NHS £7.4 billion each year and is one of the leading causes of death and disability in England, with deprived communities at greatest risk. Reducing the burden of CVD on local populations is an important step to helping people stay in work, boosting the local economy and lowering the future demand on health and social care settings.
The majority of CVD is preventable through identifying and managing risk earlier. The ROI tool shows the health and cost impacts of using different interventions to treat people at high risk of CVD, helping commissioners decide how their budget is best spent to improve local health outcomes.
It also shows the effectiveness of different approaches to detecting and managing people with high risk conditions.
Public Health England cardiovascular disease prevention national lead professor Jamie Waterall said: “We’re seeing the number of people with long-term conditions, such as diabetes, continue to rise which means prevention should be high on the agenda for the NHS.
“That is why this new tool is hugely useful in helping decision-makers make better choices about CVD prevention, based on the best evidence of what works. It will help commissioners plan effective CVD prevention strategies and make the most of their budgets to help more people live healthier, longer lives.”
The ROI tool is the latest from PHE’s health economists underlining why investment in prevention is important to both the long term health of the population and the long term sustainability of the NHS. Assessments can be made at national, local authority, clinical commissioning group, or sustainability and transformation partnerships level.
Publication of the ROI tool coincides with a new Global Burden of Disease study highlighting the importance of national and local policies targeting prevention to tackle premature mortality.
The study supports calls for renewed efforts to run systematic programmes to reduce chronic disease risk factors, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
The ROI tool lets users see predicted impacts of different interventions in terms of costs saved and the number of CVD events and premature deaths prevented.
Analysis shows that optimising the use of statins and hypertensives could bring some of the most considerable cost-savings. The tool also highlights the importance of identifying risk earlier, with the earlier identification of diabetes predicted to provide the highest long-term benefits in terms of CVD events prevented and costs saved.
PHE commissioned the University of Sheffield to develop the tool, following an evidence review and in consultation with an expert steering group.
NHS England cardiovascular disease prevention national clinical director and GP Dr Matt Kearney said: “Heart attacks and strokes are life-changing events for sufferers and their families, and the NHS long term plan will set out a strategy for cardiovascular disease prevention and care.
“Thankfully these conditions are highly preventable and minimising their impact is not just good for patients but also benefits taxpayers who fund the NHS.”
“This return on investment tool will show health professionals in each part of the country how heart problems and strokes could be prevented, and how much health service resource could be freed up for reinvestment if we increase detection and treatment of high-risk conditions like atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.”
Public Health England chief economist professor Brian Ferguson said: “This is a great addition to the suite of tools we’ve produced to support commissioners in local systems.
“It’s the first one that allows users to consider combinations of interventions, and so better reflects the reality of complex care needs. The results demonstrate that investing at scale in the most cost-effective preventative activities can deliver significant health benefits.”
Source: Company Press Release