P&R Dental said that in spite of many advances over the years in both dental x-ray technologies and the average quality of images supplied for review of dental claims, there was no consistency and, all-too-often, regardless of how up-to-date the x-ray equipment being used, the images supplied were blurred and nearly useless for making accurate diagnostic determinations.

The Rapid Review Imaging System consists of both hardware and software, with a specially designed camera and light table to collect the images for enhancement.

First it analyzes the target image to determining optimal camera and lens settings for the image, then sophisticated non-linear algorithms transform the image, performing a dynamic enhancement that produces a crisp, clear translation, one good enough for accurate diagnostic review.

Dianne Rose, principal of P&R Dental Strategies, said: “With tools like Rapid Review plus our team of professional claim reviewers all across the country, not to mention our long years of hands-on experience in the field, we are fully up-to-speed to provide every conceivable advantage to benefits what payers looking for the ultimate in dental benefit cost containment.”