Medtronic said that its MiniMed 780G system has shown strong global performance and exceeded global targets for diabetes management.

The set of new clinical and real-world evidence showcase the system’s ability to help individuals with type 1 diabetes, said the company.

These findings expand upon the three-year data set that demonstrated that over 100,000 real-world users, using suggested ideal settings, achieved a Time in Range (TIR) of 78%, exceeding global targets of 70% TIR.

The data was collected to assess the MiniMed 780G system’s potential to assist users in meeting Time in Tight Range (TITR) objectives, a recently developed supplemental metric that closely resembles the blood glucose levels of people without diabetes.

According to Medtronic, the results indicated that when the suggested optimal settings were used, users obtained a TITR of greater than 56%.

Medtronic diabetes chief medical officer Robert Vigersky said: “Since the landmark DCCT study, numerous retrospective studies have demonstrated the association between increased Time in Range and a reduction of diabetic complications.

“There’s no doubt elevated glucose is harmful and the average blood sugars of those living with type 1 diabetes are higher than we should accept as a clinical community.

“The preponderance of data across randomised controlled trials and real-world studies show that the MiniMed 780G system is maximising Time in Range far surpassing international targets and is taking it a step beyond by getting people closer to euglycemia.”

Additionally, early results in the US demonstrated that the MiniMed 780G system helped users achieve more than 80% TIR when using the recommended optimal settings.

It also surpassed international glycaemic targets, with closed loop exits occurring less than once a week on average.

Medtronic said that the system’s latest improvements have raised benefits for quality of life and increased happiness.

It received the highest overall pump satisfaction score among pump users in a US Pump Patient Survey, the healthcare technology firm claimed.