The new method developed to detect allergens in complex food matrices has been demonstrated by LGC for the quantification of protein allergens in wine.

The research surrounding the development of this new allergen detection and measurement method complements on-going activities at LGC which use DNA to detect allergenic nuts within food products.

LGC has led a collaborative project on the development of a sensitive and accurate DNA-based screening approach for the detection of allergenic nuts in food.

The company said the multiplex assay, tested through an inter-laboratory blind comparison study, offers an alternative, reliable and sensitive method for detecting simultaneously many important nut allergens, including almond, Brazil, cashew, hazelnut, macadamia nut, peanut, pecan, walnut and sesame seed.

LGC Mass Spectrometry principal scientist Gavin O’Connor said the method improves the detection limit of lysozyme protein to below one part per million.

"This now allows us to develop quality control materials to support inter-laboratory proficiency testing and investigation of human response threshold values," O’Connor said.