Researchers on the clinical trial are expected to use the e-vive data in combination with the activity and health data collected by commercially available smartwatch devices to determine the effect of its technology on improving patient osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms.

In clinical collaboration with Northwell Health, a New York-based health system, the study is a randomized, prospective clinical trial,  involving 120 osteoarthritis patients. In addition, the study is being led by researchers Matthew Stewart Hepinstall as primary investigator and Michael A. Mont.

CyMedica president and chief executive officer Rob Morocco said: “The e-vive clinical trial for knee osteoarthritis marks a major advancement for CyMedica in the treatment landscape for managing osteoarthritis knee pain.

“It comes at a time when an overwhelming number of knee arthritis patients are in urgent need of non-narcotic, non-addictive and home-based wearable therapies to help the millions of Americans who suffer from this painful chronic condition.”

Muscle weakness is regarded as one of the most common clinical conditions associated with knee osteoarthritis and the rehabilitation challenges while patients recover from knee procedures.

Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as degenerative joint disease which is found to affect more than 14 million Americans annually.

The incidence of OA is anticipated to increase based on the factors like aging, obesity and sports injuries.

Hospital for Special Surgery co-founder and Orthopedic surgeon Struan Coleman said: “OA knee pain presents a host of challenges for patients and clinicians alike, and as patients are diagnosed at younger ages with knee OA, physicians are seeking opioid-free, inventive therapies to help our patients proactively manage their symptoms and de-escalate the costs of health care.”

In March, 2019, CyMedica announced positive results from a randomized, controlled trial, which evaluated the effectiveness of the e-vive neuromuscular electrical stimulation and patient engagement system for the enhanced rehabilitation of patients undergoing total knee replacement.