The ORLocate system will provide benefits that include reducing the loss of surgical instruments, optimizing the repair and maintenance schedules of surgical instruments, association of instrument to specific patient, reducing the reprocessing of instruments that were never used.

With this system, hospitals can significantly reduce costs associated with surgical instrument shrinkage and it also provides accurate usage data on each instrument to optimize instrument set size and overall inventory.

Haldor president and CEO Rubi Halberthal noted Haldor is excited to be working with Belimed to help hospitals and healthcare systems transform their operations.

"Improving patient safety and optimizing workflow between sterile processing departments and ORs is a necessity in today’s healthcare environment. We look forward to the collaboration with Belimed to enable healthcare organizations to optimize processing efficiencies, reduce costs, and enhance patient safety," Halberthal added.

Belimed medical group president Joe McDonald noted this is a monumental leap forward.

"This is the first true instrument tracking system at the instrument level, which covers the full continuum of Sterile Processing Department and OR, and doesn’t result in any additional workflow time. While tray level software has been in the marketplace for many years, this is the first real instrument level technology," McDonald added.