Respiratory technologies company Cognita Labs has secured approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its PulmoScan home-usable lung assessment device.

PulmoScan is claimed to be the world’s first home-usable lung assessment device designed for the measurement of airway resistance and elastance.

The company has developed the new lung assessment device as an alternative to forceful methods such as spirometry test, which is not easy to use for young children and elderly patients.

The PulmoScan device is said to send gentle pressure waves for the detection of airway blockage and stiffening walls.

According to the company, the device’s underlying oscillometry method has been studied and validated over many decades.

PulmoScan only needs rested breathing, thereby enabling to reduce the risk and avoid significant patient interaction for training.

PulmoScan is designed to operate wirelessly from a distance

The company has designed PulmoScan to operate wirelessly from a distance, helping to further minimise operational risks.

Cognita Labs CEO and cofounder Patel said: “Millions of patients don’t have access to objective lung testing, even in developed countries. Our goal is to bring state of the art testing to all patients.

“Backed by the National Science Foundation and National Institute of Health grants, our team of leading researchers has spent years on R&D to bring PulmoScan to patients.”

Cognita Labs is focused on offering patient-friendly novel solutions for screening, diagnosis, and drug administration. The company offers physicians tools to remotely manage patients.

In May this year, ALung Technologies commenced the commercial development of the next-generation artificial lung.