Stature is an enterprise software application that simplifies the task of tracking activities from your various risk management processes. It enables you to take a more proactive approach to organizational risk management by better prioritising risk management activities across all of your operations and creating a more responsive and efficient business process.

Stature serves as a central location for each employee’s activity list. If you conduct risk assessment studies such as process hazard analysis (PHA), failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), job safety analysis (JSA), security vulnerability analysis (SVA), stature can be used to not only track the recommendations that result from those studies but also to integrate them with change management and event management tasks so that you can always see the big picture.

With its integrated platform, actions from all of your risk management processes are linked in one location, providing one view for all risk management activities. By tracking the actions that result from stature ensures that decisions are supported by real-time information and that information is easily accessible to all stakeholders, from operators to executives. Stature is configurable to your company’s operating procedure and organisational structure and provides a standardised and centralised way to manage actions, end-to-end.