Increasing its air-cooled lasers from 100W to 200W power and water-cooled lasers from 100W to 400W power, SPI has also created unique laser control functions offering direct application benefits across a wide range of laser machining applications. New features include:

  • XPR (Extended Performance Range); high power lasers are allowed to operate at average powers down to <1% of the maximum rated output power, a factor of ten improvement over SPI's closest competitors (Applicable to 200W to 400W)
  • PSE (Pulse Shape Equalization); ensuring the first pulse is as useable as any other in the pulse train

See our applications matrix for more detailed applications information.

redPOWER High Power Water-Cooled Lasers: 100W-400W

The redPOWER range of water-cooled continuous-wave / modulated (CW-M) fiber lasers from SPI comprises of a power range of 100W to 400W.

The water-cooled range can be powered from a standard single phase wall socket and is ideal for use in high temperature environments, high dust/contaminated environments, and applications requiring very high stability.

redPOWER water-cooled lasers are ideal for applications including: cutting metals, ceramics, silicon and flexible circuits; welding applications including spot and seam welding, fine wire, brazing and soldering of metals and plastics; annealing; fast engraving including direct anilox processing; graphic texturing; atom tapping; metal addition and selective layer melting.

redPOWER High Power Air-Cooled Lasers: 25W-200W

The redPOWER range of air-cooled continuous-wave / modulated (CW-M) fiber lasers from SPI comprises of a power range of 25W to 200W.

The air-cooled range is ideal for a use in a wide range of standard factory or processing laboratory conditions, and can be powered from a standard single-phase wall socket.

redPOWER air-cooled lasers are ideal for applications including: precision thin metal cutting down to sub 100µm; welding applications including spot and seam welding, fine wire balling, brazing and soldering of metals and plastics; thermal and sintered marking and atom trapping.