If a part has one or more of the following characteristics, we can do it.

Micro size swiss screw machined parts

Like our name says, we specialise in machining miniature, precision custom components. Our micro size swiss screw machined parts clearly demonstrate our ability to machine complex parts in a size range that is nearly invisible to the naked eye. In most cases, the cleaning and handling of these tiny machined parts is more challenging then the actual swiss screw machining. If the precision component is not only small, but has multiple operations along with extremely tight tolerances and high surface finish, we will often offer a substantial cost saving to our customers.

Micro tolerances swiss screw machined parts

Whether you need large or small machined parts, if there are tight tolerances Micro Precision can provide a cost effective precision machining solution. Tolerances of ±.0005in are routine for our operation with tolerances of ±.0001in well within our reach, complete on the swiss screw machine.
We provide numerous high volume precision custom components with even tighter tolerances by secondary lapping or grinding.

Micro finish swiss screw machined parts

We routinely meet surface finish requirements of 4-8 microinches on the swish screw machine, often using only standard tooling depending on the material. We use tumble polishing to further improve the finish, when necessary.

Threaded swiss screw machined parts

We use machine threads of 000-80 size up to ½-20 and larger. Extra fine threads to pipe threads are all standard operations for us. We utilise special, custom designed and built, pickup collets to hold parts securely while threading off the main spindle.

Slotted and crimped swiss screw machined parts

We slot and crimp parts from various materials such as brass, phosphor bronze and stainless steel. We can handle slot widths of .015in or less, when required.

Precision deep hole drilled swiss screw machined parts

We constantly push the limits of high precision swiss screw machining by drilling deep, tight tolerance holes in various materials. We routinely machine 20:1 (length:Ø) drilling ratio from copper alloys. We swiss screw machine-only solid stock (not tubing) which provides for better control over circularity, tolerances, and total runout. Often a precision drilling requirement alone allows us to provide a cost improvement to our customers.

Polygon applications

We excel in knowing how to use and maximise micro part production with polygon attachments.
With the tight tolerance world we’re in, purchasing profile stock (hex, square etc) is not a good option since the tolerances are normally quite open and delivery can be long. Using our normal, high precision round material, we can very quickly shape the outside diameter or any other diameter as needed, very accurately.

Complex geometry and large diameter swiss screw machining

Given our “complete on the machine” philosophy, complexity or challenging geometry alone can make Micro Precision Components a cost saving solution. We can precision machines up to 1.25in in diameter.
Request a quote or ask us how we can help you today!