Key Opinion Leaders: Relationship Management and Segmentation Data is an essential tool for thought leader management professionals. This report is a definitive guide for engaging thought leaders in today’s increasingly transparent environment. It shows teams how to be proactive and forward-thinking even while feeling the weight of ongoing regulatory pressure. By following this path, beyond building opinion leader relationships, your company will also create a lasting culture of integrity.

In response to challenges facing thought leader development teams, Key Opinion Leaders: Relationship Management and Segmentation Data provides actionable strategies that will deliver immediate impact. The report’s detailed benchmarks enable you to compare your efforts against competitors. Interviews with top executives reveal fresh perspectives and solutions to persistent challenges and pitfalls. With this study – CEI’s third annual thought leader management report – our analysts have honed their expertise to provide hard-hitting, easy-to-implement strategic recommendations.

The report focuses on these main areas:


Gain insight into the impact of the latest regulatory guidelines and learn how to increase MSLs’ effectiveness in managing KOL relationships.

Tools for thought leader management success

Learn the most common segmentation criteria that companies use to identify KOLs. Also, study the breakdown of company targets to better focus activities. Lastly, build an airtight documentation process while archiving thought leader history and measure activities to ensure that you reach your goals.

Thought leader management structure and staffing

Organise your thought leader development department to generate the most productive impact. Company structure and reporting relationships impact compliance. Survey data also show how surveyed companies support their thought leader development through staff supports and budgets.

Segmentation data

The amount of segmentation data that Cutting Edge Information collected warrants its own section. Segmentation data are compiled from more than 85 survey respondents. The information is broken down by company category, individual therapeutic area and provider category. Use the data as a guideline for identifying and segmenting thought leaders to find the best opinion leader for the task at hand.

To download a summary of the report click here and to purchase the full report please click here.