Using the new Chromatography Data System Geminyx III, an in-house software development from Goebel Instrumentelle Analytik, the detector raw data from complete sample sequences can be converted into meaningful quantitative and qualitative information with just a few mouse clicks:
The automatic integration ensures that complete sample sequences are automatically and correctly integrated without time-consuming parameter selection. This can be checked by simply paging through the individual samples. The user can zoom in on details and, if required, use the graphical editor to move peak limits, reset the baseline or separate a peak shoulder using simply mouse clicks. Once all runs have been checked the sequence can be printed as a complete summary report.
All calibration functions usually used in the chromatography laboratory are supported in Geminyx III. Outliers in standard runs are automatically recognised using tightly defined limits, marked as outliers and are not then used for the calibration calculations.
The integrated report designer permits the professional design of the sample report. The method defines which results are shown in the integration report. Using a report template you define the positioning and formatting of the graphics and sample data and can also add the company logo to the template. The analysis results are thus printed using a professional layout and can be saved in all usual electronic formats or be sent as e-mail.
Alongside the quantitative calculations from the chromatograms Geminyx III also, in conjunction with a diode-array detector, supplies valuable qualitative information with respect to peak purity and component identity. The peak purity is displayed both numerically and graphically using comparisons made between high-resolution normalised spectra obtained across the peak. Using automatic solvent correction the system compensates for the changes in solvent spectrum during a gradient run.
The spectrum search, using self-created or commercially available spectral libraries, is a reliable indicator as to whether the detected component is in reality the substance expected at this retention time.
Naturally Geminyx III executes the quantitative and qualitative calculations defined in the method fully automatically so that checking only requires paging through the individual samples before the complete report of a sample sequence is generated with a single mouse click.
Goebel Instrumentelle Analytik offers complete HPLC solutions from a single source, alongside the configurable modules of the Celeno HPLC range we can also adapt our internally developed Geminyx Software to suit your needs. Further we also offer you reliable and cost-effective service support designed to preserve the value of your system and improve the quality of your analysis results!
Further details can be found on our product web page.