According to IMS Health, global pharmaceutical sales approached a staggering $800 billion in 2009. At the same time, global sales of generic drugs grew 3.6% to $83 billion. To retain market share in the battle against generics, brands must devise a well-rounded strategy. But knowing which moves to make – and when – is no easy task, and decisions on how much to invest in a counter-generics strategy can make or break a brand’s fortunes.

Countering Generic and Biosimilar Threats

Countering Generic and Biosimilar Threats is your go-to resource for prioritising and fine-tuning your counter-generics strategy. No other resource delivers this much information – combining benchmarks and industry insights – with such depth. Pore over analysis of 12 counter-generics tactics; comb through recent case studies to see how other brand teams have implemented these tactics; and peruse brand profiles to understand, at a glance, how other teams have mapped out their strategies. With this information you can:

  • Design a multifaceted, diverse generics defense strategy
  • Use counter-generics task forces to drive strategy forward while building institutional knowledge
  • Implement tried and true tactics that have proven successful in the months or years leading to patent expiration
  • Quickly implement strategies that are low-cost, but high-impact
  • Retain market share in the face of generic competition
  • Learn the differences and similarities between biosimilar and counter-generics tactics

Preparing for generics

CEI’s research finds that over 40% of teams wait to start until four years before patent expiry to begin preparing for generics. While developing this study, we specifically aimed to address misperceptions and problems that are obstacles to effective planning, including the challenges posed by limited time and budgets. Generics defense is crucial for a branded drug at any point in its lifecycle – it’s never too early or too late to think about this critical challenge. To download a summary of this report click here and to purchase the full report please click here.