Zeus has announced the release of FluoroPEELZ™, a revolutionary new peelable heat shrink from the global leader in extruded polymer tubing solutions. The groundbreaking new FluoroPEELZ™ offers medical catheter manufacturers a new method to increase yield and improve safety. Zeus is launching the product with a "Peel it off. Peel it ALL off." campaign.

Catheter construction is a delicate process that leaves no room for error. The last step of removing the recovered heat shrink from the outer shaft is often the most critical and laborious. With FluoroPEELZ™, one simple linear tear is all it takes. Operators quickly and easily peel the heat shrink away, improving efficiencies and work place safety.
"FluoroPEELZ represents the most significant product enhancement for catheter construction available in years," says Irina Roof, PhD., staff material scientist at Zeus. "By keeping workers safe, reducing scrap and improving efficiencies, it’s the solution manufacturers charged with reducing costs, increasing yield and improving work place safety have been looking for."

Class VI approved, FluoroPEELZ™ brings simplicity to a complex process. The product offers the highest optical clarity on the market, allowing operators to visually inspect the construction during the reflow process. This eliminates guesswork and speeds the production process. In addition, the product offers superior reflow ability. Once removed, FluoroPEELZ™ produces a smooth void-free exterior finish.

Zeus has a generous sampling program to allow customers to evaluate products for their next generation prototypes. Roof encourages customers interested in the new product release to contact Zeus.

"FluoroPEELZ™ is the perfect example of what makes Zeus a leading partner in catheter component innovations," notes Roof. "We expect this to be a game changer for the field."

To learn more, visit http://www.zeusinc.com/fluoropeelz.