Once a device is attached to cloud-based monitoring, errors or bottlenecks can be detected faster, earlier and easier. Software, sensors and devices collect data permanently. Combined with algorithms for evaluation, they allow access to a new depth of information about product life cycles or supply chains.

Let’s follow the journey and application of a digital device used in cutting-edge medical injections. Remote monitoring in production and delivery shows where and for how long the product stays in the process. This helps to save time and material. The data shows exactly where it would be more profitable to replace human resources with a machine or a robot.

When the reaches the customer, for example, in a hospital, monitoring continues. Early recognition of material fatigue and just-in-time service instead of suspicion-based standard-maintenance intervals are great benefits here. Action can be taken before an incident occurs.

The producer will be able to stay in the lead in managing their product through its entire life cycle and will find opportunities for forward integration. New business models arise, for example, with providing complementary service packages. Systematic data analysis provides hints where extra material could be sold. Finally, the capability of modern medical devices for ‘self-driven management of their service means cost savings and more comfort for the supply management of healthcare institutions.

Remote monitoring can collect huge amounts of data. Processes and quality are becoming more transparent; rewards can be scalable. Above all, it is crucial that users make the right decisions based on algorithms and their underlying machine-learning programs. When they choose to take this technological leap, konplan will be the right partner.