Whether it’s about primary/secondary packaging or delivery methods for injectables (e.g. auto injector, safety syringes, pre-filled syringes, etc), the advancement of the drug delivery technologies now available continues to stimulate discussions amongst various industry experts around the globe, including Asia. This upcoming symposium is such an example.

As one of the invited speakers, SHL Marketing Director Steven Kaufman states, "Drug delivery trends for injectables is a topic that requires close attention from not only biopharmaceutical companies that produce the injectables but also from drug delivery device manufacturers such as SHL. It’s an honor to be invited to speak at such an event so that we can share our experiences with regards to auto injectors, hear the point-of-view of other related industry experts, and of course, make time to speak face-to-face with potential clients from the region."

SHL will also have an information display table at the symposium that will highlight some of SHL’s latest devices and related company information. For more information about the symposium please visit HERE.