With various devices just recently launched on the market, SHL exhibited a large range of products at the show to ensure customers get a good overview of the company’s device portfolio. Some devices were available as demo devices to allow SHL staff to demonstrate the device mechanisms and to allow customers to get a hands-on feel for the devices actual usage. Featured devices included the SDI-MIX NIT, Molly and DAI. Dedicated videos showcasing the devices and how they operate also played at the booth.

The keynote presentation generated much buzz and stimulated many conversations amongst attendees. To request a copy of the presentation, please contact us at info@shl-group.com.

Overall, this year’s show was again a success and gave SHL the opportunity to share the company’s insights on the growing trends and demands of the drug delivery sector and better understand industry needs through in-depth conversations with several biopharmaceutical companies and partners.

Steven commented: "It was both an honor and a great experience for both Mats and I to speak at this year’s event and share with the audience our experiences. The interactions with the many attendees also helped us gain even more knowledge regarding the needs of this rapidly growing industry."