SHL’s Core Values are based on 4 key concepts – We Care, We Learn, We Innovate and We Deliver, each with a focus further explained below. Firmly rooted in these fundamental values are our leadership principles which uphold the company’s key principles of operation and development including Sharing Knowledge, Standardized Work, Demand Driven Flow, Scanning the Horizon, Right from Me and Continuous Improvement.

We Care

  • With a focus on people – As a company we strive towards high ethics and respect for the individual. We want people to develop and grow during their time with us and treat them as the valuable resources that they are.

We Innovate

  • With a focus on value – We strive towards technological and scientific leadership, setting the industry standard. We aim for rich variation by simple means and customer excellence through our innovative solutions.

We Deliver

  • With a focus on customers – We deliver value to our customers and strive towards customer satisfaction. We desire customers to view us as both a flexible and reliable partner. We can achieve this through continuously working to reduce throughput time for our services and products.

We Learn

  • With a focus on quality – We continuously learn and improve and strive towards becoming a "Learning Organization." We must be quality leaders in everything we do – both as individuals and collectively as a company.

As a global leader in the design, development and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems such as auto injectors and pen injectors, SHL understands the importance of adhering to strict regulations, uncompromised quality standards and overall world-class professionalism. SHL also believes in professional and personal growth for everyone at the company, as talent transcends knowledge and skills. Striving for high-functioning teams, stronger collaboration, greater productivity and efficiency, SHL aims to improve business outcomes and customer satisfaction.