The pyrometers are used by customers within medical engineering for laboratory equipment such as for the handling of liquids within the biomedical research and diagnostics. An additional application area is the integration of the infrared thermometer in DAN analysis devices to monitor samples during the heating process or during cooling down.

The innovative temperature sensors cover a temperature range from -40°C to 1600°C and are available with the new, innovative LED display. The display at the seperate electronic serves as a target help for the sensor adjustment as well as to show the condition of the pyrometer (e.g. overheating of the sensor). Additionally, a visual alarm can take place parallel to the new alarm output at the device (open collector). A temperature code indication completes the innovative concept.

The electronic is located within the cable of all infrared thermometers of the new optris CSmicro series. The electronic consists of a size of only 31×12 mm and was reduced by 25%. Moreover, Optris sets new benchmarks regarding the size and robustness of the sensing heads within the area of industrial infrared thermometers. The miniaturized sensing heads are developed for the use in cramped and small surroundings. The robust, superior design allows the operation with temperatures up to 180°C without cooling. This benefit accounts to a reduction of cost for mechanical installations.

The pyrometer of the optris CSmicro series offer additionally to the in industry widely used analog two-wire interface (4-20 mA current loop) the possibility of sending digital data via an USB interface to a connected PC. Beside a temperature recording via the integration of this sensor into the optris CompactConnect software a complete programming and remote setup can be done.