“We are very proud to be able to join these businesses together into one superior service organization. DGM’s customers can be assured that we will continue to provide them a solid platform for medical devices testing, certification and training, even improving services by leveraging our global network,” says Haakon Knudsen, Managing Director at DNV Nemko Presafe.
DGM is a Notified Body for the Medical Devices Directive (MDD) and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive (IVD), and holds several cooperation agreements, such as TCP (Taiwan) and FDA (USA). DGM also has an extensive portfolio of related training services and is considered to be one of the leading providers in Europe. DGM is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.
“The DGM business consist of ten highly skilled specialists and several designations that present an important addition to our our service offering,” says Haakon Knudsen.
Presafe was established as a joint venture between DNV Business Assurance and Nemko, to offer specialized services for testing and certification of medical devices and equipment used in hazardous environments.
Through the combined resources from the three companies Nemko, DNV Business Assurance and DGM, Presafe aims to become the preferred and most specialized provider of certification services in these industries globally.