Volcano said that the catheter is the third generation of catheters in the Eagle Eye product line. Like Eagle Eye Gold, the Eagle Eye Platinum catheter offers plug-and-play functionality as well as grayscale IVUS, VH IVUS and ChromaFlo imaging modalities. Commercial release of Eagle Eye Platinum in the US is expected in the second quarter of 2010.

Scott Huennekens, president and chief executive officer of Volcano, said: “Multiple studies have shown the benefits of IVUS imaging. With Eagle Eye Platinum, we’re now providing clinicians further improvements to our industry-leading catheter design. Despite the fact that our customers have made Eagle Eye Gold the selling IVUS catheter in the US, we recognize the need to continuously improve our products to support the treatment of the increasingly challenging blockages or lesions interventional cardiologists are addressing.

“Our investments in advanced catheter design have resulted in the Eagle Eye Platinum, a product that has enhanced deliverability, is significantly easier to use, and includes Volcano’s proprietary VH IVUS tissue characterization technology, a unique imaging modality that is backed by 15 years of research and data published in over 100 articles, and has been studied in over 10,000 patients.”

Vince Burgess, group president of advanced imaging systems, said: “Clinical data continues to illustrate that angiography alone is often not enough to properly assess and treat coronary lesions. The STLLR trial was a double-blinded clinical study that showed that geographic miss, which means improperly covering the length of a lesion or vessel blockage, is a contributing factor to poor stenting outcomes, stent thrombosis, and an increased risk of clinical events.

“Although IVUS has been the gold standard for objective measurements of lumen size, plaque composition, and stent expansion, many regular IVUS users still do not use IVUS to make lesion length assessments.

“Eagle Eye Platinum’s radiopaque markers should provide a quick and easy way for physicians to estimate lengths without the need for a separate pullback device. We believe that this new feature along with the deliverability improvements will increase usage among physicians, allowing for more precision and accuracy in treating blood vessel blockages.”