The technology is marketed as an alternative to chest x-ray or fluoroscopy in adult patients when the guidance indicator shows a blue bull’s eye.

VasoNova VPS system uses a combination of hemodynamic and other biometric data to calculate precise tip location and to communicate the position to the user via a simple graphical interface.

The system provides the clinician with the opportunity to place the catheter correctly, avoiding the need for confirmatory chest x-ray where indicated.

VasoNova said the VPS system, comprising a portable console and a single-use bio-sensor, is compatible with all major makes of central venous catheters.

Teleflex chairman, president and CEO Benson Smith said VasoNova’s VPS system is a central venous catheter navigation technology.

"This clearance puts us in a strong competitive position and offers the potential to establish a new standard of care in catheter placement," Smith said.