The device, which contains a transducer that is about is 4×4 cm in size and about 1cm thick, is to be applied directly to the dressed wound.

This transducer is linked to a battery pack that weighs less than one pound and can easily fit into a pocket.

Preliminary tests on the efficacy of this ultrasound applicator, which can be worn like a band-aid, was conducted at Weingarten’s wound clinic at the College of Medicine.

It was found that the patients who received low-frequency, low-intensity ultrasound treatment during their weekly check-up in addition to standard compression therapy had seen reduction in wound size after just four weeks.

However, patients who didn`t receive ultrasound treatment had an average increase in wound size during the same time period.

As part of a National Institutes of Health study, the research group will continue to examine how the treatment works.

With the help of a near-infrared scanning device, developed at Drexel, the team will be able to monitor the inflammation, proliferation and remodeling phases of wound healing.

Dr Peter A Lewin, a professor in Drexel’s School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, and the primary investigator of the project said, "We have been working with the idea of designing a fully wearable, lightweight and battery powered ultrasound device for a while, but now we are concentrating on showing why it is effective and how it can be a viable treatment that can be made available to more people with these ailments."