CT system

The hospital opened the Jack Brignall Scanning Centre, which is said to be the first one in the UK to offer PET.CT technology.

Developed by Siemens Healthcare, the system will carry out oncological work, in addition to infection scanning, vasculitis and clinical research.

The Biograph mCT Flow Edge, which features FlowMotion technology, will be used in the planning of radiation treatment, and its services are expected to be extended to dementia and cardiac imaging.

The system was funded by Daisy Appeal, while it will be operated by medical imaging services provider Alliance Medical.

Castle Hill Hospital consultant radiologist Dr Ged Avery said the hospital has selected the system to carry out clinical work and high-end clinical and translational research.

"As a result of the technology, clinicians are benefitting from improved image quality and patients are receiving a reduced dose and faster service," Avery added.

Image: Castle Hill Hospital has deployed Siemens’ PET.CT technology. Photo: courtesy of The PR Company.