Patient SafetyNet, which comprises two products called Masimo SET and rainbow, which the company claims would together track the physiological conditions of patients constantly and sends wireless alerts when it observes any abnormalities leading to deterioration of their health.

Masimo SET is a Measure-Through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry that enables oxygenation monitoring, while rainbow® Acoustic Monitoring helps in measuring respiration rate of the patient.

The company further claims that the technology, while keeping clinicians connected to patients, would bring down the rapid response activations, intensive care unit (ICU) transfers, and deaths related to opioid-induced respiratory depression.

Masimo MD and chief medical officer Michael O’Reilly said that the new technology will enable UMCPP to offer safe and cost-efficient care besides ensuring peace of mind to the families of its patients.

"With Masimo technologies on the general floor, clinicians can be confident their patients are being watched even when they aren’t at the bedside, while families can be assured their loved ones are safe," O’Reilly said.