The Jianjie TSH test kit and Bochi Reader are part of the firm’s TrueDX Platform, which is designed for the diagnostic industry.

True Diagnostics president and CEO Jerry Lee said: "This recent regulatory clearance brings us one step closer to providing medical professionals and patients access to accurate, faster and more cost-effective care.

"Through our strategic partnerships, we already have programs underway to help communities in need of thyroid disease monitoring."

With the help of TrueDX Platform, virtually any reference laboratory test method can be carried out in any type of clinical setting.

TrueDX Platform is a patented platform that is said to measure the severity of any medical condition using only a finger prick of blood, small urine or saliva sample and more.

It can be used for point-of-care, point-of-incidence, and remote-of-care applications out of the lab, allowing in immediate patient treatment.