The company has launched an updated web site that includes: information specifically tailored for kids, teens and parents, and caregivers; instructional videos to help families learn about the Tjet device; and information about Growth Solutions, the company’s comprehensive patient support program.

The company claims that the Tjet device uses a needle-free delivery system that releases the same amount of Tev-Tropin as a traditional syringe in two seconds.

The Tjet device works by releasing a thin stream of Tev-Tropin that penetrates the stratum corneum (outermost layer skin) and is delivered into the subcutaneous (below the skin) tissue in two seconds. With flexible dosing in increments of 0.05mg, the Tjet device delivers the prescribed dose of Tev-Tropin with one click of a button.

The company said that the Tjet device can be used on the back of the upper arm, the upper outer thigh, stomach, or buttocks.

Teva is expected to provide the Tjet device and replacement supplies free of charge with all prescriptions for Tev-Tropin, when requested by a physician.