The company’s CareCatalyst, a developer bundle of platform services and open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), is intended to enhance collaborative care between health consumers and healthcare providers.

CareCatalyst is said to break down data silos, collecting and linking personal health data, consumer and medical device data, and healthcare organizations’ electronic health records.

The CareCatalyst developer bundle helps in simplifying the development of HealthSuite digital platform enabled applications by third-party commercial and hospital-based developers.

Its open APIs provide access to a range of health data, as well as enables faster development of applications to support various models of care delivery from consumer-centric care to population health management.

Philips connected care and health informatics CEO Jeroen Tas said: "Successful population health management comes with overcoming challenges and barriers, ranging from change management to technology integration.

"HealthSuite Labs and CareCatalyst are important contributions in our mission to deliver integrated solutions and services to help health systems in their transformation to value-based care."

The company has also opened its first North American HealthSuite Labs innovation center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It supports health systems in designing new programs for population health management.

The facility will enable healthcare providers and multidisciplinary care teams to address fundamental care issues and health IT challenges by leveraging design thinking and agile methodologies, as well as the latest digital technologies and clinical reasoning.