The systems, which are available in medium and high throughput models, have been developed for donor screening, viral load monitoring, women’s health and microbiology testing.

The systems are developed based on PCR technology, in order to provide increased automation and throughput with shorter time to results.

Roche Diagnostics COO Roland Diggelmann said the cobas 6800/8800 systems represent a new class of molecular diagnostic instruments.

"Over the last several years, we have collaborated with top industry leaders and several hundred customers to design a platform that truly meets the evolving needs of the molecular diagnostics laboratory," Diggelmann added.

Both the systems are available in all markets accepting the CE mark, including Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa and Asia, while these are currently not available in the US.

In addition, the company has launched cobas p 680 instrument that helps in creating donor sample pools and three assays cobas MPX, cobas WNV and cobas HEV for donor screening.