Pavisse is a fully integrated incident management system that assists clients with the identification and prevention of errors through effective management of their patient safety program, HIPAA corporate, and payor compliance.

Pavisse components include root cause analysis, claims management, physician peer review, and organizational compliance, along with management of the complaint and grievance process. In addition, Pavisse Audits provide a surveying method for monitoring processes to identify opportunities for improvement and recognition of best practices.

Workflow driven and content rich, Pavisse is easily applied to any type of incident management workflow.

Powerful enterprise reporting capabilities provide real-time dashboard views, as well as unparalleled internal benchmarking and graphing for easy-to-understand outcomes and identification of opportunities for improvement. Built around nationally recognized patient safety standards, Pavisse allows for streamlined reporting to Patient Safety Organizations and state level agencies.

A wide range of expert professional consulting and project management services are also available to help clients achieve their operational, clinical, and financial goals.

Pavisse has already been deployed at a number of hospitals, including IHHI, a four hospital healthcare system in the Los Angeles, California, area; and East Jefferson General Hospital in Metairie, Louisiana.

RGP Healthcare president Radgia Cook noted that the company is delighted that Pavisse has received patent pending status.

"It is a great step toward remaining the most comprehensive incident reporting and management system for all healthcare organizations," Cook added.