RenovaroCube, a cancer diagnostics and therapeutics firm and a wholly owned subsidiary of Renovaro, has expanded its initial proposal to acquire 100% ownership of Dutch molecular biology firm Cyclomics.

Under the original binding letter of intent (LOI), announced in February, RenovaroCube was to acquire 75% of the stake in Cyclomics.

However, the financial terms of the acquisition remain to be undisclosed.

Cyclomics specialises in ultra-sensitive fourth generation multi-omics molecular biology.

RenovaroCube aims to lead early cancer diagnostics and treatment monitoring using partnerships with Oxford Nanopore, a sequencing platform company, and tech major Nvidia.

The enlarged entity will work to advance state-of-the-art technologies in cancer diagnostics and treatment.

This move is expected to strengthen their ability to provide comprehensive cancer diagnostics throughout the patient journey, covering early detection, recurrence monitoring, and personalised treatment.

RenovaroCube’s open architecture, artificial intelligence (AI) platform, the Cube, hosts over 3,600 biomarker panels for 13 types of cancers. It is a molecular differential AI platform that uses multi-omic analysis and proprietary algorithms.

When integrated with Cyclomics’ fourth generation molecular technology, the platform will decode multi-omic data from a single blood sample, said the Nasdaq-listed Renovaro.

RenovaroCube chief commercial officer Coenraad van Kalken said: “We believe that this combination can transform the landscape of patient care both for early detection as well as for monitoring continuously the therapeutics given.”

Cyclomics has invented a new diagnostic approach called CyclomicsSeq to monitor early cancer recurrence.

The Dutch firm has developed an assay using Oxford Nanopore’s sequencing technology to detect even a single circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) molecule in blood with almost perfect accuracy.

Furthermore, Cyclomics’ OmniOmics technology facilitates dependable, rapid, and early cancer detection or recurrence using advanced whole genome sequencing methods.

Cyclomics chief scientific officer Alessio Marcozzi said: “We are excited to join forces with Renovaro to drive the next wave of innovation in molecular biology integrated into an advanced proprietary AI/ML platform.

“This combination reflects our shared commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in our respective fields.”