H-FABP, a low-weight cytoplasmic protein (15kDa), has been shown to be a highly sensitive & specific biomarker of myocardial ischemia.

Recent trials have shown that H-FABP has highly significant & additive diagnostic value, especially during the early hours following ACS symptom onset.

The results of one recently completed study from the University of Manchester, UK, suggest that using a combination hsTnT, H-FABP and ECG on admission, could act as a highly accurate rule-out test for AMI.

Lead author of the study Rick Body said the combination of H-FABP and troponin is more accurate for early diagnosis than troponin alone and more accurate than other more established biomarker combinations.

Two recent landmark studies from a group based at Leeds General Infirmary, UK, showed that H-FABP offers independent and additive prognostic value across the full spectrum of ACS patients, and is a significant predictor of mortality in both Troponin positive and negative patients.

The Troponin negative patients are of particular importance, as this group are usually stratified as low-risk and frequently may be discharged from hospital.

Recent data from the group also showed that these results hold true even after 6 years of follow-up and, again, even when a highly sensitive Troponin assay is used.