The study provides further evidence that TriPollar technology is a safe and effective non-invasive solution for skin tightening and body reshaping.
The study involved twelve patients who underwent an average of seven weekly treatment sessions on different body areas including the face, neck, arms, hands and abdomen. One patient consented to a series of TriPollar treatments prior to her scheduled abdominoplasty and a controlled histological analysis was performed on skin samples taken during the surgery. The histopathological examination revealed marked differences between the treated and non- treated abdominal skin areas. An increase of 49% in dermal thickness due to neo collagen regeneration, focal thickening and remodeling of collagen fibers and focal shrinkage of fat cells were measured following the TriPollar treatments.Patient satisfaction was also measured and the study confirmed clear satisfaction with achieved clinical results.
Dr. Kaplan stated: The regen TriPollar device is an RF system that can safely and effectively be used for body contouring, particularly on the abdomen, thighs and arms, as well as for the treatment of cellulite, skin laxity and facial wrinkles. Application of this treatment modality is simple, noninvasive and extremely safe on all skin types. Clinical and histological results have been documented and appear to be maintained for at least several months following a typical treatment course of 8 weekly sessions.
We are very excited about the latest clinical results that further confirm the marked efficacy of TriPollar technology in treating a wide variety of aesthetic needs- body contouring, facial rejuvenation and cellulite reduction.
The painless, non-invasive solution offers an ideal alternative to surgeryaverse patients. Pollogen is dedicated to continuing to develop products that enhance the wellbeing of patients worldwide commented Dr. Zion Azar Pollogen’s Chairman and CEO.